Treatment of demonic possession

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Friday, 20 September 2013
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
“(All) praise is (due) to Allah, Lord of the worlds”
The word ‘worlds’ refers to the world in which live, the world above us, i.e. heaven and all that lies in between. Our world is inhabited by human beings whereas the angels live in the heaven. The remaining spiritual entities, such as the jinnat, demons or evil spirits exist in the world in-between our world and the heaven.
For those who have a strong faith no proof or explanation is needed to convince them about these spiritual entities and for those who lack faith, no amount of proof would ever be sufficient.
Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) said,
“When the wings of the night spread-or when evening comes- keep your children in, for the devils come out at that time. Then when part of the night has passed, let them go. And close the doors and mention the name of Allah, for the Satan does not open a closed door. And tie up your water skins and mention the name of Allah and cover your vessels and mention the name of Allah even if you only put something over them, and extinguish your lamps”. (Narrated by Al-Bukhari-3280 and Muslim-2012)
This hadith shows that the evil entities become active after the sunset. This is because such entities are forms of dark energies and they need darkness and also stillness of air in order to materialize and become fully powerful.
The evil spirits and jinnat inhabit mostly these places:
Desolate places ruins
Unclean places such as toilets, garbage dumps, dunghills
Generally, such wandering spirits do not harm human beings. However, there are times when they fear encroachment on their territories by us. At other times they fear being overridden by us. It is in such cases that they tend to attack a human being to take revenge. There is no dearth of cases where the resident spirits try to ward off people to guard their privacy. In one such case, people have experienced in a haunted building- cold spots, strange voices and inability to ascend a particular stair case due to some inexplicable force.
In general terms, the word ‘possess’ means to hold as property or to occupy. However, in our topic of discussion the word ‘possessed’ means being under the influence of a spirit. There is evidence of being possessed and maddened by evil entities in the Holy Quran.
“Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
Those who eat Riba (usury) wil not stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except like standing of a person beaten by Satan, leading him to madness”. (TMQ-2:275)
When a person is possessed by a spirit it is likely to drive him to insanity because the spirit takes his mind totally under his control. If the spirit is devilish then it can spread evil through the person who is possessed. In such a case it is hardly surprising that the one who is possessed loses his sanity totally.
In the subsequent posts I shall probe into this topic further and I shall be dealing with its various facets and also its cure, Inshallah.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
If a person has a brush with an evil spirit and he becomes possessed then he or she urgently needs the help of an exorcist. An Islamic exorcist is a spiritual healer (Raaqi) who has mystical powers by using which he can expel the evil spirits from a person or place.
Allah (swt) said in the Holy Quran:
“And We send down of the Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers, and the believers it causes not except loss” (TMQ-17:82)
An Islamic exorcist can drive out an evil spirit from a person’s body by performing Ruqyah with the Quranic verses. It goes without saying that a Raaqi should be a pious person who has knowledge of Islam and knows about the healing methods which are in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet.
Narrated Awf Bin alik-Al-Ashjai :Awf Bin alik-Al-Ashjai said to the Prophet (pbuh), ‘OAllah’s Messenger! We used to apply ruqyah during Jahilliyah. What do you think of that? He replied: ‘Present your ruqyah to me There is nothing wrong with them as long as they do not involve shirk”. (Muslim)
There is evidence from the ahadith which shows that Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) used to exorcise those who suffered from evil eye and demonic possessions. Prophet Isa (as) also used to exorcise those who were demonically possessed.
Umm Aban Binte Al-Wazi Ibn Zare ibn Amir Al Abdi narrates from her father that her grand father Az- Zare went to Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) with his possessed, insane son (or his nephew). She says that my grandfather said, ‘When we came to Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) I said, ‘I have come to you with my son (or nephew) who is possessed so that you may pray to Allah Almighty for him. Allah’s Apostle (pbuh) said, ‘Bring him to me”.
He further says, “I had taken the child to the Holy Prophet while the child was mounted. So I dismounted him and I took off his travel clothes and made him wear a pair of beautiful clothes. Then I too hold of his hand and took him to Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) who said, ‘Bring him closer to me and put his back towards me”. He also ordered for his clothes to be taken off. The he raised his hands and put them in such a way that I could see his arm pits. He was saying, ‘Come out O enemy of Allah! Then the boy began to gaze with his true eyes and not with the previous gaze. Then the Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) made the boy sit in front of him and sent for some water with which he wiped the child’s face and then he prayed for the child. After the Holy Prophet’s (pbuh) prayer no one in the group was superior to the child (i.e. in intelligence and understanding).
(Musnad Imam Ahmad and Sunan Abu Dawood)
According to the ahadith, it is only the exorcism which is done through the Quranic verses and that which does not involve any kind of Shirk or polytheism which is allowed in Islam. Any other method which deviates from the principal of Tawhid or the oneness of Allah (swt) will be considered to be invalid and an exaggeration.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
“Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
Those who eat Riba (usury) wil not stand (on the Day of Resurrection) except like standing of a person beaten by Satan, leading him to madness”. (TMQ-2:275)
The above mentioned Quranic verse mentions about those people whose minds and body are totally controlled by Satan, i.e. who are the demonically possessed ones. By controlling their minds totally Satan can drive them to madness.
This type of Satan induced insanity is a paranormal occurrence. As I have discussed in my previous post, this problem needs to be tackled at a spiritual level by an exorcist.
As opposed to this type of insanity there exist some mental problems which are associated with environmental tensions, social deprivation or biological susceptibility. Such problems have got nothing to do with evil influences and therefore need a psychiatric treatment.
When a demonically possessed person seeks the help of a spiritual healer, the latter easily distinguishes between a demonic possession case and a medical one. The cases of demonic possession exhibit a dual personality always. However, this should not be confused with cases of multiple personality disorders (MPD) or the Dissociative identity disorder which we know of. The MPD is a genuine psychiatric disorder and it has nothing to do with evil influences.
When a spiritual healer begins to recite the Quranic verses while treating a demonically possessed case, the person exhibits unnecessary movements. This is because the evil spirit which has attached itself to the person’s body becomes restless on hearing the Quranic verses.
This happens to be a sure shot way of identifying a demonically possessed person. Those people who may be suffering from some psychiatric illness will not try to resist a spiritual healing session in which they have to listen to Quranic recitation.
Narrated Ata bin Abi Rabah:
Ibn Abbas said to me, ‘Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise? I said, ‘Yes’. He said, ‘This black lady came to Allah’s Apostle and said, ‘I get attacks of epilepsy and my body becomes uncovered; please invoke Allah for me’. The Prophet (pbuh) said, ‘If you wish, be patient and you will have (enter) Paradise; and if you wish I shall invoke Allah to cure you’. She said, ‘I shall remain patience and added, ‘but I become uncovered so please invoke Allah for me so that I may not become uncovered’. So he invoked Allah for her’.
(Sahih Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 70, Number 555)
This hadith shows that Islam differentiates between mental illnesses and supernatural ones. Every mental disorder case should not be cured only by a spiritual healer.
A good Muslim exorcist can distinguish between these two types of cases and if the case is not of demonic possession then they should refer the case to a psychiatrist.
Unfortunately this does not happen always. Some quacks try to make money by indulging in fraudulent practices in almost every field. This also happens in the field of spiritual healing. The best way out of this problem is to consult a spiritual healer who is mystically endowed with healing powers as well as genuine.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
So far we have discussed the phenomenon of demonic possession. A person will be said to be demonically possessed when an evil spirit exploits some of his weakness, sneaks into his body and bring him under its total control.
Some of the symptoms of demonic possession may be similar to those of mental disorders. I have mentioned about the way to avoid confusion in this regard in my previous post.
The most prominent symptoms of being demonically possessed include:
Talking in unfamiliar languages
Showing a dual personality
Showing superhuman strength
Apart from these there are quite a few symptoms which may differ from person to person. I have mentioned the commonly occurring ones below:
A strong urge to do evil
A strong dislike towards religious texts
Aversion towards eating or drinking things on which Quranic verses have been read and blown.
Headaches while reciting Holy texts
Changes in personality
Fatigue- because the indwelling spirit saps the energy for its own sustenance
Suicidal tendencies
Experiencing strangulation
Strange sensations of being touched
Nausea on seeing food
Behavior contrary to one’s nature
Sleep paralysis
Glazed look in the eyes
Moaning during sleep
Hearing one’s name being called
Hearing shrieks
Seeing frightening faces and forms of ghosts
Having thoughts which are quite unlikely of you
Having a feeling that you are being controlled by someone else
Feeling as if someone is pressurizing you to do certain acts
Suddenly becoming isolated and trying to avoid people
Blackouts in memory
Multiple voices coming from the same person simultaneously
Feeling totally disconnected with yourself
Experiencing distractions whenever you try doing something beneficial for yourself.
Irrational fear
Sleeping well but getting up in the morning with a drained feeling
If a person experiences any of the above mentioned symptoms then it is time to take remedial measures. As the phrase goes ‘A stitch in time saves nine’. A timely action can help the target to curb the problem at the onset. This is because the longer the evil spirit manages to survive within the target’s body, the stronger will it become.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
As they say that everything happens for a reason, so why would demonic possessions be an exception to the rule? This paranormal phenomenon also happens due to some reasons.
In this post and the subsequent ones, I shall discuss the reasons, one by one, so that we can find out for ourselves how the satanic spirits manage to turn a normal, happy-go-lucky person into a maniac. However, before I pinpoint the first cause let me quote a couple of Quranic verses, which give us ample proof of the pre-requisites for a demonic possession.
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
“Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves, except those who follow you of the Ghawin (Muskrikun and those who go astray, criminals, polytheists and evil-doers’. (TMQ-15:42)
“Verily! He has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord (Allah) His power is only on those who obey and follow him (Satan) and those who join partners with Him (Allah). (TMQ 69:99-100)
These verses make it clear that an evil spirit cannot harm a person who has a strong faith, who does not associate partners with Allah (swt) and who does not indulge in any vice. The evil spirits will not find any weak spot, thereby, through which they sneak into their target’s body. Depending upon the above mentioned factors a person can be mildly or severely affected by the evil spiritual entities.
Now let us understand why generally such unfortunate incidents take place:
*Visiting haunted places*
I have discussed in my first post that the spirits usually inhabit desolate places, ruins, graveyards, garbage dumps etc. So a person who visits such places (whether intentionally- as in ghost tours or unintentionally- as in stumbling upon by chance) is in a way inviting the ire of the ghosts living there. The ghosts who dwell peacefully in such regions would consider human visits as an encroachment on their territory. Besides disturbing the ghosts, the people who dare to visit such creepy places can also earn their wrath in other ways. One needs to be very alert in such places as any activity could lead to drastic consequences. Umpteen cases have been found in which urinating near a tree led to demonic possession because the ghost was lingering around the tree and he got furious. There was a case where throwing hot water in a toilet led to demonic possession. The ghost later on explained the reason behind his revenge, to the exorcist. He said that hot water had been thrown on him without any warning! The point to be noted here is that Tasmiya (Bismillah hir Rahman ir Rahim) should be recited before we do any work. An otherwise harmless action can lead to demonic possession because the spirit thinks that it is being overridden, whereas the truth is that a person can not even see it. Therefore, since we understand the grimness of the situation, so we should practice utmost care if we ever find ourselves caught in such spooky places.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
This is another important factor which can lead to demonic possessions. If we leave the main door of our house open then it will become quite easy for the burglars to break into our house. Likewise, people who indulge in vices such as drug abuse, pornography; music concerts etc become susceptible to demonic possessions. Such people indulge in vices which proves that their addicted to wrong practices in life. Since addictions are habits which are beyond a person’s control so it shows that the people are reckless. This creates certain weak spots in their auras due to which it become cakewalk for an evil spirit to sneak inside their bodies and control them.
In one of my earlier blogs:, I have discussed in detail about Satan’s plan of leading people to self-destruction by getting them hooked on drugs, alcohol, porn and various others vices. Those who do not understand Satan’s evil agenda easily fall into his trap. Such people gradually lose control over their mind and they end up becoming severely addicted to a particular vice. Such people are quite easy targets because they lack a strong will power. Moreover, such people may also have a weak faith in Allah (swt) so they end up in a vicious circle.
Apart from indulgence in vices there is another mistake which can lead to demonic possession. When untrained people meddle in spiritual matters, whether it is séances or black magic, the result could be disastrous. While trying to bring a jinnat/spirits under their control, the black magicians are already playing with fire. The amount of risk involved is enormous and only a highly trained person can be able to handle the situation. However, sometimes amateurs also try their hand at black magic without any protection. A little mistake here and there is enough to invite the wrath of a spiritual entity. The spirits can strike back by driving the layman to insanity or killing him.
Therefore, before making it a habit to keep late hours and watching porn or before indulging in any vices mentioned above, one should think about the consequences of our action. There are chances that temporary pleasure seeking could lead to a psychic attack by an evil spirit and cause much anguish.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
So far I have discussed about the phenomenon of demonic possession- its causes and its symptoms. Now a big question which arises is that how should the person who is possessed, react to all this? Should he let the intruding spirit completely destroy him by surrendering before it or should he fight back?
First of all we need to understand that Satan is not invincible.
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Quran:
“Indeed, the plot of Satan has ever been weak’ (TMQ-4:76)
“Certainly, you shall have no authority over My slaves, except those who follow you of the Ghawin (Muskrikun and those who go astray, criminals, polytheists and evil-doers’. (TMQ-15:42)
“Verily! He has no power over those who believe and put their trust only in their Lord (Allah) His power is only on those who obey and follow him (Satan) and those who join partners with Him (Allah). (TMQ 69:99-100)
These verses bring out the weakness in Satan’s schemes and tricks and also depict his helplessness when it comes to misguiding the pious people. Those who fear Allah (swt) obey only Him and they know that Satan is their biggest enemy who wants to spoil their Akhrah.
Unfortunately, those who have given in to the temptations of this fleeting world and who suffer from impulse control disorders such as drug-addicts; compulsive gamblers etc- become easy targets for demonic possession. Such people can be compared to people who sleep with their doors open, thereby, making it easy for the burglars to break into their house. A strong, closed door can prove to be a resistance for the thieves, who may not be able to break it open. Likewise, those who are pious and have a strong will-power to resist evil cannot be assaulted by demons. By maintaining Wudhoo 24/7 a Muslim can resist the Satanic entities because the latter cannot assault a person who is hygienic. They are mostly attracted towards filthy people.
There are various levels of demonic possession depending on its severity. If a target’s problem is diagnosed in the initial stage then cure becomes easy, like it happens in the case of medical ailments. Even if the problem has increased and become moderate, even then surrendering before the evil forces would not be the right thing to do. After all such evil entities feed on the fear of their targets. Fear provides them with energy, so not reacting to the tactics of the devil and learning how to ignore their whispers is a sure-shot way of thwarting the devil.
In a nutshell, we should remember that Allah (swt) is All-powerful and Satan is the deadliest enemy of mankind. If we abstain from evil and understand the cunning schemes of Satan then it will be next to impossible for Satan or his ilk to control our minds and lead us to insanity.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname
In this concluding post, I would like to discuss the ways by which one can get rid of demonic possession.
Let me explain with the help of an example. If anyone happens to falls sick then the disorder can be cured with the help of natural remedies. Just a little time and patience in required. There are many herbs which are commonly found in kitchens which can help us to alleviate an ailment, such as acidity, gastric problem, indigestion etc. However, if the ailment is so complicated that it requires surgery then it would be essential that a person seeks the help of a medical practitioner, without any time lapse.
Likewise, though the cases of evil eye can be dealt with by the victim but the cases of black magic, psychic attacks and demonic possession are so dangerous that they should be tackled only through a powerful Islamic exorcist.
The first mistake that the victim of demonic possession should avoid is to brush aside all the unnatural happenings as mere doubts. Considering demonic possession to be merely the stuff which horror movies are made of, would be belying it.
The second mistake which the victim should avoid is to narrate his/her weird experiences to every Tom, Dick and Harry. Just like Satanic whispers should not be disclosed- similarly the scary experiences of a victim of demonic possession should also not be told to everyone. Abu Huraira (ra) narrates that the Allah’s Messenger (pbuh) said, “Verily Allah forgives my Ummah for the evil thoughts that occur in their hearts until they do not say it verbally or act upon it” (Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim). The experience should be disclosed before the exorcist and to our nearest kith and kin. Repeating about those evil happenings will stir emotions of fear in our minds. Just like the fungus in our body feeds on sugars and thrives so do the evil entities feed on our fears and proliferate.
Now coming back to the main point we see that there are two ways in which a calamity can be handled. Either the distressed person can spring into action and do self-help. He can try every trick in the book to protect himself from the situation of being possessed, i.e. if the demon has left that much sanity in him. This is because once the demon takes over the mind of his target and creeps into his body then it is the demon that is in total control. The man loses his free will at the moment the demon strikes and possesses him. Total demonic possession shows that the target lacked spiritual power and his aura was so weak that the intruding demon could easily accomplish his mission. In such a helpless and powerless situation it would be wrong to assume that the target can evict the demon all by himself. Besides this, if the demon is under the control of a black magician then there is no point in resorting to self help. Even though you may be highly spiritual and you may also be a pious Muslim, yet self help in this dangerous matter would be akin to a fight of one against many. This is because the powerful black magicians have thousands of jinnat, demons etc at their beck and call. So all this makes it essential for a target to seek professional help.
Keep Me In Your Prayers,
Amel Soname